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Rated capacities: 500kg ... 2.5t for OIML
500lb/1000lb/1500lb/2000lb/3000lb/4000lb/5000lb for NTEP
Stainless steel constuction
Sealing: hermetically welded (IP68)
OIMLCert. No.R60-2017-A-NL1-22.04.
NTEP Cert. 17-113
Low profile construction
  • SS130

  • HOLI


Single-ended Beam Load Cell
Parameter Value Units
Rated capacity (Emax) 500 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 kg
500 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000 / 5000 lb
Accuracy class C3 C4
Maximum number of LC intervals (nmax) 3000 4000
Min. LC verification interval (vmin) Emax / 5000 Emax / 10000 kg
Temp. effect on zero balance ± 0.0028 ± 0.0014 % of Emax/℃
Rated output 2.0 mV/V
Rated output tolerance ± 0.1 % of Emax
Zero balance ± 1.0 % of Emax
Temp. effect on rated output  +20…+40℃ ± 0.00175 ± 0.0013 % of AL/℃
                                           -10…+20℃ ± 0.00117 ± 0.0009
Hysteresis error ± 0.0175 ± 0.0131 % of Emax
Non-linearity error ± 0.0175 ± 0.0131 % of Emax
Min. dead load output return ± 0.0166 ± 0.0125 % of AL
Terminal resistance Excitation 350 ± 10 Ω
Output 350 ± 3 Ω
Insulation resistance @50VDC >5000
Excitation voltage Recommended 10 V AC/DC
Maximum 15 V AC/DC
Temperature range Compensated -10 to +40
Operating -30 to +65
Safe storage -40 to +80
Load limit Safe 150 % of Emax
Ultimate 300 % of Emax
Protection Type Hermetically welded
IP rating IP68
OIML / European Approval OIML Cert. No. R60-2017-A-NL1-22.04
European Cert. No. TC12252
Class C6
nmax 6000
NTEP Approval Cert. No. 23-057
Class III
nmax 6000
Cable Length 2.5 m
Type 4-wire, PVC
Diamter Φ5
Construction Stainless steel
Recommended torque 98 N.m
Notes: The values for linearity, hysteresis and temp. effect on rated output are recommended values, the sum of these data meets the requirements according to OIML R60.


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